Voice Systems
If you've bought a phone system in the past, you know just how incredibly expensive they can be. Now enter into the 21st century, where two very significant revolutions have been taking place in the telecommunications industry.
The first revolution you've probably heard of: Voice over IP. Voice over IP allows telephone calls to take place over computer networks and the Internet. Voice over IP (or VoIP) phone calls can offer huge savings on long distance charges but those savings can come at a high price if you're trying to talk to important customers and not getting the quality you need.
At Gigline Communications, we believe that eventually, all telephone calls will take place over the Internet. But until Internet phone quality rivals that of traditional phone networks, hybrid phone networks (that use both Traditional Phone Networks and Voice Over IP) offer the quality of traditional phone lines with the cost savings of Internet phone calls, allowing you to have the best of both worlds.
The second revolution is the Asterisk open source telephone system, which offers a full-featured phone system (including Voice over IP capabilities) as a software package that runs on ordinary computers using a Linux operating system. These systems are not only as powerful as the more expensive systems in common use around the world today but they're also very cost effective. They can even be used in homes where families can have internal extensions in different rooms of the house!
Gigline Communications' telecommunications consultants can create for you a powerful, customized, yet cost effective phone system for your business that will meet your needs today and far into the future. Call us for a free consultation and see what Gigline Communications can do to revolutionize your business communications.